The Bella Sara Wiki

We never outgrow our need to be loved.


Valeryk was a blue-white draft stallion with feathered hooves and a knotted blue mane and tail.[1]

As a Carousel Horse, he wears a decorative blue blanket and a black halter, saddle, and breastplate decorated with golden studs.


Valeryk was a strong, courageous, yet gentle horse who understood how important receiving love was. No matter how mature he was, Valeryk appreciated all acts of kindness and always had the courage to ask for companionship with other creatures. With these values in mind, Valeryk founded Herd Valeryk.


Valeryk was one of the 10 first-born foals of Herd Bellasara. Sara asked the young Valeryk if he would like to become a leader of his own herd; when Valeryk agreed, he was immediately aged into an adult and gifted the wisdom and maturity to be a great leader. Sara helped him find a mate, and with Sara's blessing, Valeryk and his new mate traveled to the Midwinter Mountains and established Herd Valeryk.[2]

When Sigga and the The Valkyries formed, Sara gave Valeryk a magical pendant that allowed him to communicate with Sigga and other herd leaders across North of North.

When Sigga left North of North, Feral and the Wolf Riders attacked Rolandsgaard Castle, and Valeryk tragically lost his life defending the castle. With Valeryk's death, Herd Valeryk's magical pendant also disappeared.[3]


Unnamed Mate[]

In The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide, Sara helps each of the Herd Founders find a mate before setting off to establish their own herds. The name of Valeryk's mate is unknown, but it is implied that they had many children who would populate Herd Valeryk and beyond.

Bella and the Herd Founders[]

Valeryk was a colt in Bella's original herd before he was blessed by Sara, alongside Sunflower, Airistos, Shahazar, Islandar, Moonfairy, Starlight, Pantheon, Elemyn, and Mustang.

Name Game[]

Valeryk may be based off of the Russian and Latin name, "Valerik", which means "Brave" or "Valiant" respectively.[1]

Inspirational Message[]

Spring Carnival Icon “We never outgrow our need to be loved.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Nikdy nebudeme dost silní, abychom nepotřebovali lásku.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Nous pouvons grandir et vieillir, mais nous avons toujours besoin d'être aimés.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Любовь не подвластна времени. Ее магия бесценна и для юности, и для старости.”





  1. 1.0 1.1 Valerik. (2020). Retrieved on August 3, 2020, from
  2. Gott C., Conard S., Boozer M., Hacker M., Saling B. M. (2009). The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide Updated Version (pp. 46) New York, NY: HarperCollins. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from
  3. Conard, S., Saling, B. M., Hacker, M. (2011). Chapter 1: Intruder. Emma and the Search for the Sunflowers Herd. (pp. 12-13) Seattle, WA: Hidden City Games. Retrieved from
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