The Bella Sara Wiki

May the season's celebration bring you peace and joy.


Holiday is a solid white unicorn foal. They have a fuzzy mane and a bobbed tail. Their white horn is very stubby, indicating their young age. Red ribbons and bows are tied to their body and mane. They appear to be a draft horse as they have a stocky build and short face.


Holiday loves the holiday season. By the time the holidays are in full swing, Holiday is the happiest foal you will meet!

Magical Gift[]

Holiday's magic can create festive ribbons around them wherever they go.


Fairy and Phoenix[]

Holiday has a phoenix friend that is often pictured with them, happily flying through their ribbons. A small orange fairy often rides its back and also enjoys being around Holiday.

Inspirational Message[]

Winter Festival Icon “May the season's celebration bring you peace and joy.”

Winter Festival Icon “Que les fêtes de cette saison t'apportent la paix et la joie.”

Winter Festival Icon “Праздник - время радости и веселья. Проведи его с близкими!”




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